Saturday, January 11, 2014

William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope

William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope
Ian Doescher
ISBN: 9781594746376
Read January 7, 2014

Parody/Homage: Star Wars, as written by the Master Wordsmith himself.  My only quibble is that the story uses the 'official' reworked version with the Jabba appearance.

I grinned a lot when reading this, especially the many soliloquies that reveal future events or hint at characters and relationships.  I particularly enjoyed Obi-Wan's speech as he steeled himself to death to inspire Luke, and Luke's 'once more into the breach' before the final battle, which both improves on and laughs at his original naive, bragging 'womp rat' line.

There were admittedly places where the wording was more cutesy or corny than creative, but the vast majority were delightful, most hitting that sweet spot where I could see the characters speaking the lines, but could also see clearly where they were taken from the Bard as well as from the screenplay.

I even liked the Chorus, and I usually hate the Chorus!  I was left with an overwhelming urge to try and actually stage this.  I have a feeling that it would be either hysterical or laughable, but to the author's credit, I really want to try.

"Act 4, Scene 2:
Han, in the detention block control room, to the comlink

O, be not anxious, comrades, fear ye not!
The situation here hath been controll'd.
All merry 'tis in the detention block!

Officer 1 (through comlink) But what hath happen'd?

Han ----- 'Tis no matter, Sir-
A slight malfunction of the weapons here.
But all is well, and we are well, and all
Within are well.  The pris'ners, too, are well,
'Tis well, 'tis well.  And thou?  Art also well?

Officer 1 (through comlink) We shall dispatch a squad to verify.

Han - Nay, there's a leak in the reactor here.
Pray give us time to mend the matter well.
The leak is large and dangerous, but fear
Thou not, for all - I tell thee true - is well!

Officer 1 (through comlink) But who art thou, and what's thy number code?

/ Han Solo blasts comlink /

Han - That conversation did my spirits bore!
Now Luke, prepare thyself for company!"

(This post created on an ipad, apologies for textual/formatting errors.  I will correct and update as soon as I'm back to a 'real' computer.)

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