Friday, June 29, 2018

Ask A Manager: Work Stuff Book Club

Landing page for the Book Club

Our first discussion is Friday, July 6th, about Alison's own newest book: Ask a Manager (ISBN: 9780399181818). I'll post a link to the comment thread once the weekend is done.

Our second discussion will be Friday, August 3rd, and with 6 voters in the poll, the winner is Thrive, by Arianna Huffington (ISBN: 9780804140867)

Our next poll for deciding on the September read (September 7th) is up here: and will be linked in my user name on the comment thread.

Please continue to suggest titles or cateogories you'd like to read (falling under the loose umbrella of professional development or interest) in the comments here or there and I'll add them to the list!

Title List

All of Alison's Books

Body Language
Barbara and Allen Pease

The Captain Class: the hidden force that creates the world's greatest teams
Sam Walker

Coach the Person not the Problem
Chad Hall

The Coaching Habit
Michael Stanier

The Confidence Code
Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

Confident Digital Content: master the fundamentals of online video, design, writing, and social media
Adam Waters

Contagious: why things catch on (suggested by Anxiety Anon, currently on September poll)
Jonah Berger

The Courage to be Disliked
Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

The Culture Map: breaking through the invisible boundaries of global business (currently on September poll)
Erin Meyer

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (for October poll, suggested by ThursdaysGeek)
Patrick Lencioni

The Four Tendencies
Gretchen Rubin

Gift of Fear
Gavin de Becker

Great At Work: How Top Performers do less, work better, and achieve more
Morten Hansen

The Gutsy Girl Handbook
Kate White

The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit (currently on September poll; suggested by Victoria Nonprofit)
Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman

How to be an Imperfectionist
Stephen Guise

How to be Miserable: 40 strategies you already use
Randy Paterson

How to Talk to Anyone
Leil Lowndes

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie

Influence (for later poll, suggested by Viola E)
Robert Cialdini

Leaders Eat Last
Simon Sinek

Lean In (suggested by PhyllisB)
Sheryl Sandburg

The Like Switch (by an FBI agent about much better options for getting info out of people than "interrogating" them)
Jack Schafer

Mastering Civility: a manifesto for the workplace
Christine Porath

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics
Dan Harris, Jeff Warren, Carlye Adler

No Asshole Rule (for later poll, suggested by PhyllisB)
Robert Sutton

No Sweat Public Speaking: how to develop, practice, and deliver
Fred Miller (no votes on August poll, we'll try it again later)

Not Nice: stop people pleasing, staying silent, feeling guilty...
Aziz Gazipura

Off the Clock: feel less busy while getting more done
Laura Vanderkam

The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg

Predictably Irrational (on September poll, suggested by Emily S)
Dan Ariely

Radical Candor: How to be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity (on September poll, seconded by Victoria Nonprofit)
Kim Scott

7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey

The Silent Language of Leaders
Carol Kinsey Goman

Smarter Better Faster
Charles Duhigg

Speaking Out: A 21st Century handbook for women and girls
Tara Moss

The Speed of Trust (for a later poll, suggested by Sami)
Stephen M R Covey

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson

Talk like TED
Carmine Gallo

Arianna Huffington (suggested by Emily S., for AUGUST 3, 2018 Discussion)

Thinking Fast and Slow (for later poll, sugggested by Viola E)
Daniel Kahneman

Verbal Judo (updated)
George Thompson

What Every Body is Saying
Joe Navarro

When to Jump: if the job you have isn't the life you want
Mike Lewis

Winning the Talent War through Neurodiversity *not published yet*
William Rothwell and Jonathan Zion  (suggested by Good, Cheap, or Soon, Pick Two)

Work Clean (for later poll; suggested by LilySparrow)
Dan Charmas

Writing Your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day (for later poll, suggested by Extra Vitamins)
Joan Bolker

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