Do you ever read the fine print? Perhaps you should start.
Delilah Dawson
ISBN: 9781481423397
Read April 26, 2015
On the plus side, the National Debt is gone. On the downside, Valor National Bank (now just Valor National) is taking out the nation's fiscal dead weight. Patsy gets caught up in the chaotic first five days of the national takeover, and she's got some hard work ahead of her. You see, Patsy's mom had a string of bad luck, and a great deal of credit card debt.
Now either the creepy Matrix-like agent shoots mom and Patsy both and burns down their house, OR Patsy takes his nice little 9mm and goes and offs the next 10 people who owe Valor more than they're worth. She has 5 days to finish.
Along the way she is going to figure out a lot of things, including what sort of person she is that she could kill and extort strangers so readily.
This book is literally killer, and I really loved how Dawson didn't shy away from the emotional and physical repercussions of premeditated murder and physical violence on a person - especially one who never imagined themselves in this sort of situation. The honesty there really did a lot to balance out the ultra-violent scenes of death and mayhem.
One final note, there is a dog, but you needn't worry - this isn't THAT sort of book.
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