Three cute ones, and they all start with the letter T, in addition to being about tickling and teasing and tumbling around. I have way too much fun sometimes finding these sets of books.
Tweak Tweak
Eve Bunting, illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier
ISBN: 9780618998517
Baby elephant goes Tweak Tweak on mama's tail every time they come across anything new and interesting. Mama is tolerant and gentle and explains the differences between what can and can't be done, while suggesting alternative actions that CAN be taken. Very gentle and illuminating, and the illustrations are just plain cute.
Tickle, Tickle
Helen Oxenbury
ISBN: 9780689819856 (board book format, ISBN not on book itself)
Oxenbury crafts a cute but VERY short book with diverse babies and young toddlers all getting tickled and having fun. Sweet.
Tumble Bumble
Felicia Bond
ISBN: 9781886910157 (make sure to get the original hardcover, not the board book - it's sooo tiny)
Bears and alligators and cats and pigs and frogs and mice and bugs and one little boy Oh My! It's a tumble-bumble world for these animals as they bumble through the streets and through a house and into bed. Excellent "scaffolding" story, and lots of fun language.
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