Ok, webcomic people may know this, but Axe Cop is totally awesome!
I've got Volumes One and Two from Dark Horse, and I have to say, they make much more sense when they're all bound together in print and I can read them all in one go. Much like Girl Genius, so much is going on, and so much of it is UTTER MADNESS, that it helps to have a chance to look back in print and go - wait, what now? Ohhh, ok. That's hard to do in webcomic format.
So Malachai is this kid, about 7 now, but between 5 and 6 when he came up with this. His big brother Ethan, a cartoonist, came home for the holidays, and this is what they came up with together. Smash internet hit, and awesome little-kid physics and causality. Brilliant.
I don't even know where to start explaining the idea... there's a cop, with an axe, and he routinely recruits strange super-powered weirdos to be his team, and they kill a lot of bad guys, and aliens (which are always bad guys) and sharks (likewise) and sometimes robots (ditto).
I think my favorite panels are the "Ask Axe Cop" segments, and my favorite character is Uni-Man (especially after he bulks up and has his secret hideout).
For any more details, you really just need to go look it up for yourself. Please Do NOT do so at work, or in the presence of people you don't want to see you snerk your drink out your nose.
All Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
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