Everyone has the sniffles, either from the flu, or the horrible cold going around, or the weird weather this winter, or just the wintertime blahs. Instead of Valentines, here's my love-letter to the common cold.
The Sniffles for Bear
Bonny Becker, illustrated by Kady McDonald Denton
ISBN: 9780763647568
Bear is the MOST dramatic, and I feel a special kinship with this particular brand of woe-is-me melodrama. This time around, Bear is QUITE SICK and doesn't feel that his friend Mouse appreciates the gravity of the situation: reading happy books, singing cheerful songs, playing a banjo! Just disgraceful. If only Bear had the energy to explain to Mouse how wrong he is. Take heart, after a nice nap, Bear is feeling much better, and now it's Mouse's turn to feel just a bit droopy and sniffly.
Don't You Feel Well, Sam?
Amy Hest, illustrated by Anita Jeram
ISBN: 0763610097
Little bear Sam gets a cough at bedtime and a patient Mom walks him through taking his cough medicine, before settling down in a warm kitchen with honey tea and a comfy chair to wait for it to snow.
Bark, George
Jules Feiffer
ISBN: 9780062051851
George's mom is very confused. She keeps asking George to bark, and he makes noises... but they all are from the wrong animals! A trip to the vet clears up the problem, but does leave one lingering issue to be discovered on the last page. This one is always a kid-pleaser.
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