Wednesday, March 5, 2014

So I just realized I never did review Bombshells...

short Dresdenverse story by Jim Butcher
found in Dangerous Women anthology
curated and edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois
 ISBN: 9780765332066

This is the comment from my review of Ghoul Goblin:
"(I did get to read Molly's story Bombshells in the Dangerous Women anthology (GRR Martin, ISBN: 9780765332066) this past weekend (January 5th, 2014), and I can say it's a measure of how much I miss the Dresdenverse that I chose to read that instead of Sanderson's Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, which I STILL have not gotten to read.)"

So I need to remedy that:

Poor Molly.  This shows how frazzled and thinly-spread the magical coverage is for Chicago now that Harry is AWOL.  It also showed how much she's grown, and how she's really coming into her magical heritage.

I loved seeing the three different women (mage, vampire thrall, and werewolf if you're keeping track at home) work through their problem in a very nice use of "soft power" and then feel equally free to discard that approach and move straight into physicality with no qualms.

Loved the elvenkind (especially when compared to the Marvel universe depiction of them) and their approach to beauty and money.  The fae are getting on my nerves a bit, but Godmother is still doing her thing in rare form, bless her.  I live in hope that Molly will set her on fire at some point.

Sadly, now that Harry's all godlike and snared in fae politics, it's a relief to see more earthbound issues with the old crew in Chicago, just like it was to see him back in the past when he wasn't as hugely powerful.  A bit sad that I feel that way, but it is how it is.  

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