Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Science of Happily Ever After, Ty Tashiro, PhD

The Science of Happily Ever After
Ty Tashiro, PhD
ISBN: 9780373892907 (by HARLEQUIN!!!)
Read March 3, 2014

Nonfiction: relationship advice.

In case you wondered, yes I am in a relationship, and yes, it is pretty good as relationships go.  I read these for the science of relationships and for understanding how people tick.

This one was not as science-y as I had hoped (yes, I'm that person who actually likes to hear about chemicals and responses and causation vs correlation), but still a good fact-and-research based bit of info about what people DO go for (yay society and evolution) vs what they SHOULD go for (because we've got basic survival in the bag, and what makes you LIVE is very different from what makes you HAPPY).

Also, Dr Tashiro has a really engaging and sweet writing style, and he really gives off the impression that he is just rooting for everyone to find someone to be happy with, and to make their relationship work.

I hope he writes another book - I'd read it in a heartbeat.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dani! That's one of the nicest reviews I've read about The Science of Happily Ever After. I'll have another book on the way, working on it right now...
