Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Short Reviews: July 2013. Last Days of an Immortal, Rocketeer Adventures, The Dance, Chloe and the Lion

Chloe and the Lion, Mac Barnett, illus Adam Rex.  ISBN: 9781423113348
July 25, 2013
Picture Book:  An interesting fourth-wall-demolishing foray into the conflicts and challenges in the picture book author vs illustrator relationship.  The story of Chloe and the lion that attacks her takes a backseat to the developing interpersonal drama between Mac and Adam when Adam decides that lions aren't impressive enough, and illustrates a dragon instead.  Mac tries to do without, but quickly realizes his talents do not lie in the drawing department.  Chloe assists, as does the lion, and everything ends happily ever after.

The Dance, Garry Smalley & Dan Walsh.  ISBN: 978-0800721480
July 10, 2013
Christian relationship-repair manual thinly disguised as fiction.  :)  The heroine has been trying to get her self-absorbed pompous insufferable husband to pay attention to her (and the kids) for their entire marriage.  Finally she gives up, and hopes that if she leaves home it will be the clue-by-four that he needs upside the head.  She takes dance lessons to feel happy, and he gets relationship counseling from an elderly lady, and everything's hunky-dory in about 150 pages and less than half-a-year.  

Rocketeer Adventures, Vol 1 and Vol 2, (various authors, various illustrators) IDW Publishing.
ISBN: 978-1613770344 & 978-1613774014
July 9, 2013
Graphic Novel.  Collected stand-alone tribute stories in the Rocketeer universe (which I'm ashamed to admit I didn't know was a popular and loved comic series before the movie (which I'm also somewhat ashamed to admit that I really do like) came out in 1991) after the passing of the creator Dave Stevens.  I liked the first volume better than the second, mainly due to the artwork.  The second, while populated with "big names" had a lot of really odd stylistic choices, and I find my preferred art to be really representational and as realistic as possible.  Personal choice.  Not having read the original comics, I can't say anything regarding the quality of the stories, but they were all fun, and all pulpy, and all independent of each other.

Last Days of an Immortal, Gwen De Bonneval & Fabian Vehlmann (translated from the French by Edward Gauvin).  ISBN: 978-1936393442
July 5, 2013
Graphic Novel.  If it wasn't for the clothing-optional human society, and the graphic (no pun intended) sex scenes (which didn't really have anything to do with the plot) I would have thought this was intended for younger readers.  It is VERY reminiscent of Asimov and early "philosophical" science-fiction.  I have to admit, I got more than a little confused by all of the "echoes" and wasn't entirely sure who was who at any given time, but that really didn't matter that much.  Weird but mentally stimulating.

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