Wednesdays at the Castle, Jessica Day George
ISBN: 9781599906454
Read November 21, 2013
Juv: Sequel to Tuesdays at the Castle
Argh! Cliffhangers!
Also griffins, which mollifies me a bit. But really? After such a beautiful first self-contained book, a cliffhanger? Hmph.>
Attempting to put that aside, I still love everyone, from Celie herself, her lovely family, to Prince Lulath (he's so delightful, he reminds me of Lord Akeldama from Carriger's Parasol Protectorate and Finishing School series. LOVE them both) and the oddly-proportioned visiting Wizard. Characterization remains a really strong point for this writer.
The Castle is acting hinky all of a sudden, but Celie's up to her eyebrows with a new responsibility that the Castle is determined should be kept VERY SECRET. Those two seemingly disparate events of course are symptoms of a greater problem, but there we get back to my distress at the CLIFFHANGER ENDING.
The next in line, Thursdays... is planned for spring of 2014, so hopefully not too long a wait. Still, a bit of a peeve for me.
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