The Silver Balloon
Susan Bonners
ISBN: 0374369135
Read Sept 11, 2014.
JuvFiction: A city boy sends a helium balloon "message in a bottle" and strikes up a correspondence and mystery gift exchange with the elderly farmer who finds it, learning confidence (and research skills) in the process.
This was really cute, and really short. I especially liked the author's end-note about not letting balloons go in real life, due to the potential harm to wild animals and to avoid litter in the natural environment.
Greg gets (and sends) various 'mystery items' through the post from his friend, and uses relatives and friends of the family and research trips to the library to figure out what they all are. I especially loved that the librarian featured so strongly and positively in this story, and that she and her relative in the natural museum are the key to solving the final mystery, and bringing Greg and his pen-pal together.
Super cute, and great for kids interested in nature and natural history especially.
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